In the course of 3 days, I have become a oil guru, LOL. My order of Jamaican Black Castor Oil (JBCO) arrived via an amazon order a few days ago. I was beyond ecstatic to finally be caught up in the hair oil world and begin adding it to my regimen. Since there aren't any Castor Oil challenges occurring right now, I just looked at the previous ones and decided to try the "advanced" level - since I need to catch up asap.
Day one went well. I my still doing a wash with Roux Porosity Control Shampoo and Conditioner. My hair condition has changed drastically! I am loving it. After, I air dried without leave-in conditioners, but moisturized and sealed with my Shea Moisture products and then applied the JBCO to my scalp. JBCO is very thick in substance. It has a slight smell, but it isn't bad. I used a color applicator bottle that I purchased at Sally's Beauty Supply. The tip is small, so it's a very controlled amount that comes out. Since I wanted to cover my scalp as well as possible, I parted my hair into 6 sections and then divided into subsections from there. Similar to as if I were apply a relaxer. I applied it very well and massaged it into my scalp. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slept on it overnight.
When I woke up in the morning, all was well. Since I was going into the office, I decided to flat iron my hair. I ran my hair through the heat, and let me tell you it felt as soft as silk. My curls looked relaxed, it was "silky smooth" to the touch and it looked great. Later that night, before I went to sleep I applied the JBCO to my scalp the same as the day before. I moisturized and sealed, and I tied it up into a ponytail and went to sleep.
Day two, I didn't do anything all day so I kept my hair in a ponytail. That night, I did the same routine as the day before.
Now, it's Sunday and I am a self declared guru. I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods and ran into the oil aisle. I purchased Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (OVCO) and honey. I also stopped by target and picked up a jar of ORS Hair Mayo. I wanted to do a deep condition today and mix all of the ingredients together.
My ingredients |
I started with a hot oil treatment with JBCO. I just put the applicator bottle in the microwave for about 20 secs and applied it to my scalp. I massaged it for about 15-20 mins while watching TV and then proceeded to rinse and shampoo. When I started my rinse, I noticed that it didn't rinse as easily as when I used EVOO. My hair still had a thick coat of JBCO. I shampooed twice with RPCS and my hair felt sticky to the touch and not smooth like I'm used to. So I did a quick shampoo with my ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo that I use to clarify. That removed the oil from my shafts. I did another quick wash of RPCS and then applied the RPCC to my hair for a few minutes this time. While it was in my hair, I ran around the house and collected my:
- Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
- Hair Mayo
- Honey
I grabbed a bowl, eyeballed amounts to mix, and just threw it all together. In the order of the largest amounts, I used: Hair Mayo, OVCO, EVOO, Honey, JBCO. I didn't melt the OVCO first, so I had to mash the chunks of oil until it melted. I mixed it with a spoon and it turned a light orange color. I was afraid to add too much honey because I thought it might make my hair sticky. I sectioned my hair and applied it generously root to tip. I am now sitting on the couch, rubbing the oil dripping down my neck and face with a paper towel, allowing the concoction to marinate in my plastic baggie. I did pay special attention to the back of my hair around the nape of my neck, because when it air dries, it shrivels up and is still my thinnest section.
Since I don't have a hooded dryer yet, I plan on sitting near my space heater (not as a substitute) and allowing my hair to deep condition for about 2-3 hours. It smells pretty good, thanks to the OVCO. The only annoying thing is the constant oil dripping...
I'll provide an update once I have finished air drying. And if I can find my cell phone, I'll take some pictures!