You heard me! I don't whip my hair back and forth because I don't wear my hair down anymore. Unless it's a special occasion. Mon-Fri you will catch my hair pulled back in a bun varying in different styles. One of my new up and coming favorites is having the sides twisted up and pulling it back in a bun.
Please excuse the acne... |
Bunning takes me about 5-10 minutes in the morning, it allows the growth to keep on coming and the breakage to be non-existent. I'm going on 8 weeks post relaxer and I'm trying to stay as low maintenance as possible.
Along with low hair manipulation, I'm also trying low facial manipulation, LOL. Dessert Essence is no longer working towards my favor. Maybe my body and hormones are just too much for a typical cleanser, but it has not been working at all towards helping my face stay acne free. I've decided to switch full time back to the oil method. So far, the results have been amazing. All of my acne is receding and I'm starting to look like myself again. If only I could feel like myself...
For the past several weeks, I've been on the move. Literally. Getting our new house in order was a tall challenge, that I took personally. I stayed up for weeks at a time and I'm finally coming off that roller coaster. But this weekend I decided to give back and I participated in my first Habitat for Humanity build. I actually helped put a ROOF on a house! It was amazing. Something I never thought I'd do and I actually had a lot of fun.
Beginning of the Day - 8 AM |
Close to Midday on the Roof |
End of the Day - 4:30 PM |
But in the aftermath of it all, I am sore beyond words and I think I have a sinus infection. The latter came from work, but it still affects my overall state of well being. However, I'm glad to have participated and I'm looking forward to helping build homes in the future!
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