Since the beginning of the year, I've been wanting a new style. And for some reason, a new style always means bangs for me. I did it last year and maybe I'll do it again this year. Well last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I wanted these fabulous bangs and that I was going to cut them myself. But as I sectioned my hair to cut for the bangs, my hair was self cutting itself and I didn't have to do anything! So when it was all said and done, I had fabulous thick arch shaped bangs and I wore it down and in a ponytail. And no, I don't remember anything else about the dream, LOL.
I've seen several women at work with the style and I feel like they're taunting me by having the guts to wear the style I want. Then I think about having to flat iron more often, or how I'd sleep with my hair, or how much more I'd break my hair by doing so. That's another thing I noticed this year, I have a lot of fly-aways. All over my head. I don't just have a section of broken hair, but several random broken hairs everywhere. I don't think it was like that this time last year, so I'm going back to the basics. I did a scalp massage off and on for an hour, I shampooed and conditioned with my Roux Porosity Control, and I'm currently deep conditioning with my Shea Moisture.
I'm not really sure what style I can do that will not cause me to flat iron each day, but I need to find something soon...