Not only did I stop at Sally's but I also stopped at Vitamin Shoppe to pick up hair vitamins... but LT, weren't you supposed to go to GNC? Yes, let me explain. The hubby and I had an event last Friday and afterward went out to dinner. Me, thinking that there was a GNC nearby, wanted to go to this particular place. Turns out, my memory served me wrong and it's a Vitamin Shoppe. I figure, close enough and so I go in and browse. As I'm reading the ingredients of the products, I come across one made by Nature's Plus called Ultra Hair Plus. It appeared to have the same ingredients as all the others (give or take a few vitamins - they're all the same) except a TON more.

It cost just a few dollars more (around $18), so I figured why not? I'm currently 8 weeks post relaxer (going on 9 woooohoooo) and I have a solid 1'' or more of new growth already. I'm wondering how much more the pills will add? I kind of want to wait until I complete the pills (30 days) before I relax. Currently, I don't feel the need or urge to relax. My scalp is not sore. It's detangled now, which is amazing. Plus, I've been wearing my hair curly so it's been super easy maintenance. Speaking of which, last week I kept my curls pinned up for 2 days until I got ready to go out on Friday.