I didn't get around to co-washing until 11:30 PM, at which point, you know I'm not doing anything afterward. The conditioner smelled great, and it was thick. I did feel that I had to use quite a bit of it for my hair, but that's nothing unusual.
So I hopped in the shower, conditioned well, got out and wrapped my hair up in a towel. Next I put my satin bonnet on. Then I went to sleep, LOL. Yup, I left my hair in a towel in a bonnet all night long. When I woke up this morning, my hair was still damp in the middle and ends, edges were dry, but my hair felt very soft and moisturized. As my hair started to dry, it started back feeling "regular" so I decided to do another all day DC. I think I'm going to change all to half a day and rinse in a few minutes. As I draw inspiration from all the super thick hair ladies on youtube and blogger, I can't help but wonder, will I ever make it there? I'm trying to stretch my relaxer as long as I can, I'm massaging my scalp, which by the way feels AWESOME with this conditioner in my hair, eating right, and trying to do everything I can to nurture it. I think I might have to step it up a notch. I need to become more strict. I'm thinking no heat (outside of DCing) at all, no more tight ponytails, and I still have to learn when I have the proper protein/moisture balance. I keep feeling that because my hair dries so fast around the edges, that maybe they aren't moisturized enough? I know I have a long way to go. Unfortunately this journey is ONE day at a time... I'm visualizing myself in the end with super thick, long, mid-back length hair! I know the thickening part is going to take a while. A long while. But you know what else I know, I know I'll make it there. : )
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